Das hier ist der alphabetische Index
für die hinten dran hinterlegte große Glossary. Sie springen dann gleich an die richtige Stelle.
10Base-T, - 3.1 Khz audio bearer service, - 3PC, - A1S, - ACR, - AIM, - ALU, -analog data, - analog signal, -
ANI (Automatic Number Identification), - APP, - APP server, -
Appletalk call filter, - ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), - ASN.1, -
asynchronous PPP, - asynchronous transmission, - AT&T, - ATM, - ATMP, -
AUI (Autonomous Unit Interface or Auxiliary Unit Interface), -
authentication, - auto-reconnect, - B channel, - backbone, - backbone router, -
bandwidth, - B-Channel bundling, - BECN, - BGP, - Bit, -
BONDING (Bandwidth ON Demand Interoperability Group), - bps, -
BRI (Basic Rate Interface), - bridge, - bridge table, -
bridging versus routing, - call, - call filters, - callback security, -
called number, - caller ID, - CCITT, - CD, - CDR (Call Detail Reporting), -
channelized T1/E1, - channels, - CHAP, - circuit, -
circuit-level inverse multiplexing, - circuit-switched network, -
CLID, - CO, - codec (COder/DECoder), - compression, - connection profile, -
cost management, - CPE (Customer Premises Equipment), - CPHB, - CPNX, - CPU, -
crossover cable, - CSU (Channel Service Unit), - CTS, - D channel, -
data encryption, - data filters, - data link layer protocols, -
data over voice, - data service, - DBA, -
DBA (Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation), -
DCE (Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment), - DDP, - DE, - default gateway, -
DES, - DGP, - DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), -
DHCP spoofing, - dial query, - digital data, - digital modem, -
digital signal, - DLCI (Data Link Connection Indicator), - DLO, -
DNS (Domain Name System), - domain identifier, - domain name, - DOSBS, -
Drop-and-Insert, - DS0, - DSR, - DSU (Data Service Unit), -
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment), - DTMF, - DTR, - dual-port call, -
dynamic bandwidth overflow, - E1 PRI line, - EEPROM, - EGP, - encapsulation, -
ENIGMA, - ETHERIP, - Ethernet, - Ethernet transceiver, - FDL, - FECN, - filter, -
filtering, - firewall, - FR (Frame Relay), - fractional T1 line, - framing, -
FTP, - gateway, - generic filters, - GGP, - GloBanD, - GRE, - H0 channel, - H11 channel, -
HDLC (High-level Data Link Control), - HMP, - host, - HSSI, - hunt group, -
hybrid LAN, - ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), -
idle disconnects, - IDPR, - IDRP, - IEEE, - IGMP, - IGP, - inband signaling, -
inverse multiplexer, - I-NLSP, - Internet gateway, - interoperability, -
inverse multiplexing, - inverse mux, - IP, - IP address, - IP filters, -
IP subnet, - IP switch, - IPCP (Internet Protocol Control Protocol), -
IPCU, - IPIP, - IPPC, - IPX (Internet Packet Exchange), - IPX spoofing, - IPXCP, -
IPXWAN, - IRTP, - ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), -
ISDN BRI line, - ISDN D-channel signaling, - ISO 9001, - ISO-IP, - ISO-TP4, -
ISP (Internet Service Provider), - IXC, - Java, - kbps, -
LAN (Local Area Network), - LAN packet display, -
LAN/WAN connectivity, - LAP-B, - LAP-D, - LAP-F, - LARP, - latency, - leased lines, -
LEC, - line, - LLB, - LLC, - loopback, - LQM (Line Quality Monitoring), -
MAC (Media Access Control), - MB, - MBONE, - mbps, - MHRP, - MIB, - MICP, - MIF, -
modem (MOdulator/DEModulator), - MP (Multilink PPP), - multiplexing, -
MPP (Multichannel Point-to-Point Protocol), - MRRU, - MRU, - MTP, - MTU, -
multicast forwarding, - MultiRate, - nailed line, - NAS, -
NetWare call filter, - NFAS, -
NFAS (Non-Facility Associated signaling), - NFS, - NHRP, - NIC, - NIS, -
NSFNET-IGP, - NT1 (Network Terminator Type 1), - NVP-II, - NVT ASCII, -
Octet, - OSI, - OSPF, - packets, - packet-level inverse multiplexing, -
PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), - parity, -
PBX (Private Branch Exchange), - PCM, - PDU, - Ping, - PLL, - PND, -
Point to Point link, - POP (Point of Presence), - port, -
POST (Power-On Self Test), - PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), - PRI, - PRM, -
promiscuous mode, - protocol, - proxy ARP, - proxy mode, - PSDN, - PSTN, - PVC, - PVC, - PVP, -
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service), - RARP, - RBOC, -
RDP, - redundancy, - Remote LAN Access, - remote management, - REN, -
RFC (Request For Comments), - RI, -
RIP (Routing Information Protocol), - Router, - Routing, - routing table, -
RPC, - RPM, - RS-#, - RS-232, - RSVP, - RTS, - Rubber Bandwidth, - RVD, - S interface, -
S/T interface, - S/T-interface, - SAM (Secure Access Manager), - SAP, -
SAP filters, - SDRP, - Secure Access Firewalls, - Secure ID, -
security cards, - SEP, - serial communication, - serial host, -
serial host port, - serial host port module, - session, -
signaling types, - SIP, - SLIP (Serial Line IP), - SMDS, - SMTP, - SNAP, -
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), -
share networking information., - socket, - software compression, -
SPID (Service Profile Identifier), - Stacks, -
straight-through cable, - SWIPE, - SVC, - Switched-1536, - Switched-384, -
Switched-56, - Switched-56 line, - Switched-64, - symbolic name, -
synchronization, - synchronous transmission, - T1 access line, - T1 line, -
T1 PRI line, - T3, -
TACACS (Terminal Access Concentrator Access Control Server), -
Tariff, - terminal adapter, - TCP, -
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, - TDM, - TE, -
Telecommuter, - Telnet, - terminal, - terminal emulator, - terminal server, -
terminal server session, - Thick Ethernet, - Thin Ethernet, -
U interface, - U-interface, - UDP, - UTP, - UTP cable, - V.120, - Videoconferencing, -
VT-100, - WAN, - Watchdog Spoofing, - Wide Area Network, -
WINS (Windows Internet Name Service), - WSN, - X.21, - XNS IDP, -