fiber cables
The fiber cables are named by its internal structure and diameter counted in microns. Beleave me, one fiber cable is really thin. You have problems to see it. A bulk of cables is much easier to see. However, it is very thin too.
To understand the OC mode technology :
OC-12c Intermediate Reach Single-mode fiber |
up to 15 km |
OC-12c Multi-mode fiber |
up to 500 m |
OC-3c Long Reach Single-mode |
up to 40 km |
OC-3c Short Reach Single-mode |
up to 15 km |
OC-3c Multi-mode fiber |
up to 2 km |
single mode - multi mode
- single mode (8.25/125 micron) for long haul up to 24.85/miles 40 km. The professionals limit this to 25 km, not to 40 km.
- multi mode (62.5/125 microns) for short haul up to 1.24 miles/2 km.
- 8-12 microns in diameter is for single mode fiber and
- 50-100 microns in diameter is for multi mode fiber.
SM (single mode) Cable:
mostly indoor patch cables
Yellow Nonplenum Single Mode Premium Performance
Single Mode: (1300/1550 nm)
Max. Attenuation: (dB/km) 1.0/.75
Typ. Attenuation: (@ 23c) 0.5/0.5
Min. Bandwidth: (MHz-km) 160/500
longer outdoor cables are black
MM (multimode) Cable:
mostly indoor patch cables
Orange Nonplenum FDDI-Plus(850/1300 nm)
Max. Attenuation - (dB/km) 3.75/1.5
Typ. Attenuation - (@ 23c) 3.0/1.0
Min. Bandwidth - (MHz-km) 160/500
Generic Ggigabit Ethernet adapters are specified for cable lenght :
- up to 550 meters with 50/125 MM fiber
- up to 220/275 meters with 62,5/125 MM fiber
ATM fiber connections:
- up from 5 to 15 kilometers with SM fiber
- up to 2 kilometers with MM fiber
Cable specifications are
- 50/125,Simp
- 62.5/125,Simp
- 09/125,Dupl
- 50/125,Dupl
- 62.5/125,Dupl
here are some links: